Sunday, 28 August 2011

On the way to future

Finally the list of things that I need to get going with my own photography name is on it's way up!, on Friday I got my new laptop, all set up for photography, the amazing computer tech girl that I went to to fix me up with my new baby even put her photoshop on for me!  I was only telling my dad how much I would love to have it as it is the best editing software out there, but there is no way that we could afford it. Couldn't be happier with it! though there isn't as much hard drive space as I'd hoped for, it will do perfectly for now. Just what I needed to be honest, just so everyone is aware 'scrapbook photography' is my name as I created it June 2nd 2011. No one can take it from me, i know its not copyrighted, but it will be so please be a darling and don't nab the name.
Scrapbook Photography is on the way into the future!