Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Starting A Fresh

Since beginning this blog,  I have been on a journey far further from anything I could have conjured up in my mind. It has taken me to places I wish I didn't know existed but have finally come to find some way through the darkness with the light of my lens.
From now on, the aim is to pursue and promote my passion for photography, and create images evoking stories I wish to tell and share with the world. Through in-depth research and lots of creative imagination the vision has never been more clear to me, and I thank so many inspirational people in my life; some of whom I haven't even met. 

Over the coming months, I will be working towards creating more of a name, and capturing the images I see in my mind of so many wonderful things and people. For a long while, weddings, families and contemporary portraits have been a real interest to me, so since the drive to bring it all to life is here, why not embrace it?
I hope that in a years time, things will be a lot different to the current days of reality, but one can only hope and think positive on into the future with all of the strength and love surrounding you. 

Here's to a new page in my Scrapbook!


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